Vuetify.js + Frameworks

As a continuation of last week’s post about the IP Address Management group project, I wanted to touch on the frontend framework we chose to use called Vuetify. As I said last week, it is heavily based on Google’s Material Design UI and therefore makes for easy, out of the box creation of components. For the IPAM project, we have created quite a few components already, including cards, buttons, dialogs, tabs, single-select drop downs, etc. Vuetify has enabled us to work more quickly and keep our team’s styles in sync rather easily as this project chugs along.

Vuetify is not even at its first major release point yet (that is coming next month) and the creator just announced that he will be transitioning to work on it full-time starting this month. Vuetify already has most of what I have found to need for the IPAM project so far, and its documentation is terrific. Major props to John Leider and any others involved in the framework!

As complimentary as I am about Vuetify, I do only have a so-so opinion of frameworks in general. When I was a full-time UX Designer, Bootstrap got a lot of shade thrown at it during the conference I went to, and I prefer to create the styling from scratch with CSS on my personal projects anyways. Frameworks are great time savers though; they save developers from doing all of the styling (which I have found that a lot of them hate) and, generally, make your apps look really good with minimal effort.

There are a lot of more exciting things coming to Vuetify in the coming releases, I encourage you to check them out!